
                       Click the linked pics below to see full size image in a new window.



Horsehead & Flame nebula 80mm 15x3 min 10-08-10



Horsehead & Flame nebula 80mm 15min Ha  01-04-08



M1 The Crab  10" lxd200 w/ UHC filter  23x7 min  11-15-10



M42 80mm ED 6x2 min 11-06-08



M42 80mm ED 11x120 sec 11-02-07



M8  Lagoon Nebula  80mm ED  13x5 min  8-21-08   

This picture was featured on pg 62 of the June 2010 issue of Sky and Telescope.   Way to go Evert!




M8 & M20   Lagoon and Trifid Nebula      Orion ED80   12x3 min   07-30-11



M8  Lagoon   10"  lx200 @f6.3   12x3 min  07-02-10



M16 Eagle Nebula  10" lx200  16x3 min 09-10-10



M16 Eagle Nebula  10" lx200  15min H-Alpha  06-11-08



M17 Swan Nebula  10" lx200  18x3 min  09-04-10



M20 Trifid  10" lx200 @f6.3   12x4 min  09-12-10



M57 The Ring  10" lxd200 w/UHC filter  20x4 min 10-15-10



M27 Dumbbell   10" lx200  49x2 min  08-28-10



NGC1499 California nebula 80mm ED  5min Ha  11-30-07



NGC2237 Rosette nebula 30min H-alpha filter 02-20-08



NGC7000 N. American Nebula  80mm 7x15 min Ha 10-29-08



Western Veil Nebula  80mm  9x12min Neb Filter  7-6-08